
Sunday 14 February 2016


Hiya lovely!
Recently i have been thinking about this a lot and what the difference is between being honest and being well a complete dick.  

For example if someone asks you  if they look nice in something and you thought they didn't then you  would say 'i think the other one hugs your curves better'  or  something a long those lines. However  some people say other things like 'no that makes you look fat' or horrible things like that  and say that they are just being 'honest'.  EXCUSE ME! There is a fine line between giving your honest opinion and being a down right bitch. Know the difference! 

Comments like that can hurt peoples feelings and lower their  self esteem.  So don't  be an idiot, we are all about peace and love in this world there  is no need for it. If you feel  the need to put others  down in order to feel better  then you have a problem. A problem that  won't be solved by carrying on doing what you are doing.

So be a good person aim  to give a compliment a day. Because we have all been in that situation where a complete stranger has walked past and you have gone DAMN her outfit is on point! But what if you told her that? Just imagine if someone came up to you and said that to you it would make, your, day! So why not do the same for someone else,  share a little sunshine why not?

I have completely  gone on a rant and forgotten what i was on about  but basically, being honest is great but don't take advantage of that and be an ass and be a nicer person now and again. What have you got to lose? I hope you  have a fab week and make at least one person smile (and i know it sounds cheesy af but you can't knock it till you try it). Byeeee.

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